2009 CAPANA Conference
中国 · 北京
2009-07-02 - 2009-07-03
Paper submission deadline: 2009-06-15
The Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America (CAPANA) invites both members and non-members of CAPANA to join us in Beijing for the second CAPANA Annual Research Conference on July 2-3, 2009. The objective of the annual conference is to bring together accounting scholars in North America and Asia to discuss a small number of accounting-related papers.
There will be approximately eight (8) papers to be presented at the conference. The format of the presentation is similar to a regular workshop except that there will be discussant for each paper.
From the pool of the conference submissions that are not accepted for the regular presentation, we will also select a number of papers for a poster session during which a relatively senior faculty member will hold a private meeting with the submitting author to help improve the paper.
See "conference papers" page for information on presenters, discussants for the conference papers as well as papers for poster sessions. All papers are available for download as well.
Important Update(on a change of Conference Hotel) as of Jun 16 2009.
Registration deadline:
June 15, 2009
Two step registration:
(1) Please email this completed registration form (dowbload here) to Heng Yue at yueheng@gsm.pku.edu.cn.
(2) Please mail a paper-copy of the registration form (dowbload here) and attach the registration fee to CAPANA treasurer (see detail below).
Registration fee:
Except for invited discussants, all other conference participants are required to pay a registration fee of US$250 for CAPANA members and US$350 for non-CAPANA members. (Oversea participants from Asian schools, e.g., Hong Kong, Singapore, need to pay the same oversea participant registration fee, but can choose to pay RMB; an exchange rate from a reputable webiste, such as Yahoo Finance, can be used for the conversion. For oversea students, the fee is reduced to $100.) The registration fee includes conference materials, receptions, and the conference meals. The US$350 registration fee for non-CAPANA members contains a US$100 CAPANA membership fee. If you wish to become a CAPANA member, please indicate so in one of the boxes above.
Method of payment:
Note that we do not accept the registration fee payment on site. We only accept U.S. dollar checks or bank drafts made payable to "CAPANA" and mailed to the following address (deadline is June 15, 2009, no credit card please):
Benjamin Tai
Department of Accountancy
California State University, Fresno
5245 N. Backer Ave.
Fresno, CA 93740-8001