The 8th International Conference on Smart Finance (ICSF2023)

The United Arab Emirates · Dubai

University of Wollongong in Dubai

2023-08-04 - 2023-08-06

Paper submission deadline: 2023-05-31




数字技术的新浪潮——人工智能、区块链、语义网、大数据和沉浸式3D技术——被誉为FinTech的下一个大趋势。这些技术共同构成了 Web 3.0的框架,并将丰富未来的智能金融。




We invite manuscripts with information technology-based implications in finance that draw on various analytical, empirical, and technical methodologies including, but not limited to:

  • Economic and financial theories in Web 3.0

  • Blockchain Technology and applications in Fintech

  • Complex analytics in big data for Fintech

  • Data analytics for financial applications

  • Federated learning in value networks

  • Fraud detection in financial big data

  • Governance of big data finance

  • Innovative value networks such as cross-border payments

  • Internet insurance and InsurTech

  • Internet wealth management and Robo-Advising

  • Mobile payment technologies

  • Network analytics in finance

  • Crowdfunding

  • Digital assets, NFT, and cryptocurrency

  • Privacy preservation in financial big data

  • RegTech for finance and banking

  • Security in big data finance

  • Operations-finance interface and supply chain finance

  • Metaverse applications


All submissions must have not been accepted or conditionally accepted by a journal. Both abstract and paper submissions are welcome.

  • Abstract submissions: 2-3 pages; 

  • Paper submissions: 3-5 pages, including:

    • abstract

    • main text

    • figures

    • tables, and

    • references. 

Submissions exceeding 5 pages will be desk rejected.

Submission should be made via the Easychair system.

