China Accounting and Finance Review (CAFR) 2021 Virtual Annual Conference

China · Virtual Annual Conference

2021-09-17 - 2021-09-18

Paper submission deadline: 2021-05-31

Theme: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) – Reporting and Investing

The CAFR 2021 Virtual Annual Conference welcomes papers in all areas of accounting and finance and will feature both plenary and concurrent sessions. The plenary sessions will give priority to papers submitted with a focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Climate Change. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their research at the conference and considered for fast-track publication in CAFR (subject to satisfactory revision) at the editors’ discretion; Papers not included in the plenary sessions can still be considered for the concurrent sessions and for publication in a regular issue of CAFR; Papers submitted to the concurrent sessions only will not be considered for publication in CAFR.

Keynote Speakers
Christian Leuz, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago

Harrison Hong, Department of Economics, Columbia University

Paper Submission

Please send an electronic version of your submission in PDF or Word format to the CAFR Editorial Office at by 31 May 2021. Include separate files for the title page and for the blind manuscript. Authors should indicate whether the paper is to be considered 1) for Plenary Sessions only i.e., for publication in CAFR, 2) both Plenary Sessions and Concurrent Sessions, or 3) for Concurrent Sessions only. Authors will be notified of acceptance by 10 August 2021.
