中国 · 南京
2020-06-05 - 2020-06-07
截稿日期: 2020-05-20
当代新技术革命、新兴产业兴起、传统产业调整在世界各国经济发展中正在迅速地发生,剧烈地影响着各国经济增长和经济全球化格局,激发了创新与产业经济研究领域大量的研究热情。南京大学经济学院、中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心、中国工业经济杂志社于2020年6月5-7日联合举办第3届创新与产业经济国际学术研讨会,向国内外学者征集最新未公开发表的学术论文参会研讨。为了提高该研讨会学术交流水平,这次研讨会主办方特别邀请到产业组织理论与应用计量、创新研究等国际知名教授到会交流他们的最新论文,这些教授大都是Rand Journal of Economics、International Journal of Industrial Organization、Journal of Industrial Economics、International Economic Review、Journal of Economics and Management Strategy、Economics of Innovation and New Technology、Journal of Business and Economic Statistics、Journal of Urban Economics、Regional Science and Urban Economics等期刊的主编、编委。其中大部分教授已多次参加本学术研讨会,与其他参会论文作者有深入的讨论交流,学术氛围浓厚。
二、会议时间和地点地点:南京大学鼓楼校区商学院安中楼 时间:2020年6月5-7日
三、论文提交和交流论文提纲和摘要提交截止时间为2020年3月30日,完整论文提交截止日期为2020年5月20日。会议主办方根据论文进行评选,最终确定会议交流论文30篇左右,其中英文论文占比约2/3,中文论文占比约1/3。论文投稿邮箱:iwiie_nju@163.com, 邮件主题请标注“2020-iwiie论文”字样。
1、Cristiano Antonelli
Professor of Economics,University of Torino, Italy, Managing Editor of Economics of Innovation and New Technology.
2、Yongmin Chen
Department of Economics,University of Colorado,Managing Editor,
International Journal of Industrial Organization,2013-Editorial Board Member, Frontiers of Economics inChina, 2011-.
3、Zhiqi Chen
Full Professor, Department of Economics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, since 2002, Co-Editor, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,since 2004, Executive Editor, Frontiersof Economics in China, since 2013, (Co-Editor from 2011 to 2013).
4、Gautam Gowrisankaran
Arizona Public Service Professor of Economics, Director of Economics Graduate Studies.He is currently on the Board of Editors of the American Economic Review and is an Associate Editor of the International Economic Review and the Journal of Business and Economics Statistics.
5、Gautam Gowrisankaran
Arizona Public Service Professor of Economics, Director of Economics Graduate Studies.He is currently on the Board of Editors of the American Economic Review and is an Associate Editor of the International Economic Review and the Journal of Business and Economics Statistics.
6、Lu Han
Professorof Economic Analysis and Policy, Chief Scientist, BEAR Centre, Premier’s Research Chair in Productivity and Competitiveness. She currently serves on the Board of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, and the Editorial Boards for Journal of Urban Economics, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, and Regional Science and Urban Economics.
7、Patrick Legros
Professor of Economics at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ECARES) and Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Northeastern. He is currently the managing editor of the Journal of Industrial Economics.