SAIF Summer Camp 2018
China · shanghai
2018-07-14 - 2018-07-15
Designed for emerging scholars in China, the SAIF Summer Camp introduces the participants to the frontiers of academic research in finance and provides them with cutting-edge research methodologies and fresh perspectives, with the objective to inspire their future academic careers and enhance the overall research and teaching in finance in China. This year’s Summer Camp consists of lectures given by three renowned finance professors from the United States and Canada (listed in alphabetical order):
•Hui Chen
Associate Professor of Finance, MIT Sloan School of Management
Special-term Professor, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance
Professor Chen’s research focuses on asset pricing and its connections with corporate finance. He is particularly interested in the interactions between the macro economy and term structure, credit risk, and corporate financing or investment decisions.
•Zhiguo He
Professor of Finance, PhD area advisor, and Faculty Director of the Fama-Miller CenterBooth School of Business, University of Chicago
Professor He’s main research interest lies in the implications of agency frictions and debt maturities for financial markets and macroeconomics, with a special focus on contract theory and banking.
•Liyan Yang
Professor of Finance, Rotman School of Management, University of TorontoSpecial-term Professor, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance
Prof. Yang’s research interest is on information and market frictions as well as return predictability in financial markets.
The SAIF Summer Camp lectures are provided free of charge, although it is necessary to register in advance. Please contact us via to register your participation. We welcome all faculty and senior PhD students to join us.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Hong Yan (SAIF)
Organizer of SAIF Summer Camp