
中国 · 厦门


2017-11-17 - 2017-11-18

截稿日期: 2017-10-01

International Symposium on Neo-Institution, Governance, and Accounting

November 17-18, 2017


Jeong-Bon KIM           Feng LIU           Minghai WEI

City University        Xiamen          SunYat-sen 

of Hong Kong           University         University

China Journal of Accounting Research (CJAR), founded by the Sun Yat-sen University of China and the City University of Hong Kong in 2008, published by Elsevier, is the first double-blind refereed journal of accounting in the English language in China. CJAR will host an International Symposium on Neo-Institution, Governance, and Accounting in Xiamen University on November 17-18, 2017.  Department of Accountancy at the City University of Hong Kong, Business School at Sun Yat-sen University and Center for Accounting Studies at Xiamen University will co-sponsor this annual event. We welcome theoretical and empirical research papers that use contemporary research methodologies toinvestigate issues about accounting, corporate finance, auditing and corporate governance in the Greater China region, countries related to the Belt and Road Initiative, and other emerging and developed markets.


Papers submitted for the Symposium should contain unpublished original research. All submissions are subject to a double-blind review process. Papers accepted for presentation at the Symposium will be regarded as submissions to China Journal of Accounting Research (CJAR). The papers, subject to a double-blind review and selection process, will be scheduled for future publication in regular issues ofCJAR.CJAR has been indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Cabell’s Directory, Scopus, CNKI, Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List and Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Journal List.


Please make submissions to CJAR Online Submission System: http://ees.elsevier.com/cjar/.  Submissions must be received on or beforeOctober 1, 2017. Authors can expect to be notified of the Organizers’ decision byOctober 20, 2017.


The Symposium will provide accommodation (single occupancy) for three days, waiver of registration fees and reimbursement for the cheapest return economy airfare up to a maximum of US$1,500 for one oversea author of each accepted paper which is committed tothe Journal. Please state clearly in your email if you are interested in applying for the subsidy. The subsidy is claimed on a reimbursement basis uponproduction of appropriate receipts and documents. Details will be madeavailable in the invitation letter. Please send your submission early and feel free to circulate this message. For enquiries, please contact Miss Liu through email/phone atchina.jar@gmail.com/+ 86-020-84111222.
