
中国 · 香港


2017-07-21 - 2017-07-22

截稿日期: 2017-05-15

The 9th CJAR Summer Research Workshop will be held at the City University of Hong Kong on July 21-22, 2017. The City University of Hong Kong and Business School, Sun Yat-sen University will jointly organize the Summer Research Workshop 2017.

We welcome China-related papers in any academic field within accounting, especially empirical studies that enrich our understanding of the institutional setting in China, the Greater China region and other emerging markets. Papers submitted for the Workshop should contain unpublished original research. The papers accepted for presentation in the workshop will be regarded as submissions to the China Journal of Accounting Research (CJAR). The papers, subject to a refereeing and selection process, will be scheduled for future publication in the regular issues of CJAR.

Submissions must be received on or before May 15, 2017.Authors could expect to be notified of the organizers’ decision by June 15, 2017.We bear travelling expenses (round-trip economic class for/from Shenzhen) and two-night accommodation costs for the presentor of the accepted paper.Details will be made available to successful applicants. Please kindly make your submission early and feel free to circulate this message.

Manus shall be submitted to the online submission system: http://ees.elsevier.com/cjar/. For inquiries, please kindly contact Miss Tifa Liang <china.jar@gmail.com> or Mrs Irene Li<acwoo@cityu.edu.hk>

《中国会计学刊》第九届夏季学术研讨会将于2017721 - 22日在香港城市大学举行。香港城市大学和中山大学将合办此次2017夏季学术研讨会。


投稿截止日期为2017年5月15日,论文入选结果将于2017年6月15日前公布。会议承担入选论文报告者的路费(往返深圳)和住宿费。《中国会计学刊》2017年夏季学术研讨会 会务安排等信息将随后另行公布。我们欢迎各位学者、博士生踊跃投稿并转阅此征文启事。

应征论文请提交至: http://ees.elsevier.com/cjar如有任何疑问,请随时联系梁老师<china.jar@gmail.com>或Irene Li<acwoo@cityu.edu.hk>。
