2011 CAPANA Conference

中国 · 厦门

2011-07-13 - 2011-07-15

Paper submission deadline: 2011-07-10

The Chinese Accounting Professors' Association of North America (CAPANA)invites both members and non-members to register and attend the fourth Annual Research Conference. The conference will be held in the beautiful city of Xiamen, on the coast of Fujian Province, on July 13-15, 2011. The conference is sponsored by the School of Management of Xiamen University. Papers in all areas of accounting using all available methodologies are welcome. The objective of the conference is to bring together accounting scholars in North America and Asia to discuss a small number of high quality research papers. 


Registration deadline is June 10, 2011. The registration form can be downloaed here. Please email this completed registration form to Ms. Chen Han (陈菡) Xiamen University at cas@xmu.edu.cn [Her office # is 86-592-2181523, mobile # is 86-133-06012386, and fax # is 86-592-2181520, just in case you need to contact her through other means]. Ms. Chen Han will register you for the conference and make hotel reservation for you based on your preference.


All conference participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses. Please see the conference website for more information http://www.capana.net/conference2011/conference.php).

Except for the invited discussants, all conference participants (including presenting authors) are required to pay a registration fee of US$250 for CAPANA members and US$350 for non-members. The registration fee includes conference materials, receptions, and meals.


http://www.capana.net/conference2011/schedule.php or download here


Oliver Zhen Li

University of Arizona

Email: oli@email.arizona.edu

Tel: 1-520-626-5517


Eric Yeung

University of Georgia

Email: yeung@uga.edu

Tel: 1-706-542-3615


Feng Liu

Xiamen University

Email: cnliufeng@gmail.com
