2017 CAPANA Conference

中国 · 大连

2017-07-20 - 2017-07-21

Paper submission deadline: 2017-03-01

The Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America (CAPANA) invites both members and non-members to submit papers to the 10th CAPANA Annual Research Conference. The objective of the conference is to bring together accounting scholars in North America, Asia, and other parts of the world to discuss a small number of high-quality research papers. Papers in all areas of accounting using all methodologies are welcome. The Conference will be held in the coastal city of Dalian, July 20-21, 2017. The conference is sponsored by the School of Accounting, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics.

PAPER SUBMISSIONS: Paper submission deadline is March 1, 2017. Please submit your paper to capana2017@gmail.com and visit the CAPANA website: (http://info.capana.net) for information about conference registration and the program of past conferences.

The working language of the conference is English. Only papers written in English will be considered. Both China-related and non-China-related papers are encouraged. Papers by current CAPANA officers will not be considered. Papers will be selected by the Program Committee consisting of a panel of renowned scholars. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 15, 2017.

BEST PAPER and BEST DISCUSSANT AWARDS: There will be a best paper award of $500 and a best discussant award of $500 voted by conference participants towards the end of conference.

REGISTRATION: Except for invited discussants and conference organizers, all conference participants (including presenting authors) are required to pay a registration fee of US$250 for CAPANA member, US$370 for non-members, and RMB700 for participants from mainland China. The registration fee includes conference materials, receptions, and meals.

Hongxing Fang (DUFE): hongxf@dufe.edu.cn
Guojin Gong (Penn State University): gug3@smeal.psu.edu
Yuan Zhang (UT Dallas): yxz122931@utdallas.edu
