The 6th IAER Econometrics Workshop

China · online


2022-06-25 - 2022-06-27

Paper submission deadline: 2022-05-15

The 6th IAER Econometrics Workshop (formerly known as the Dongbei Econometrics Workshop), to be held on online via zoom on June 25-27, 2022 (Beijing Time), is organized by the Institute for Advanced Economic Research (IAER) and School of Economics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE). The IAER Econometrics Workshop is an annual event providing a platform for prominent econometricians worldwide to present their current research in theoretical and applied econometrics and to discuss frontier research with workshop participants.

Paper Submission

The Scientific Committee is pleased to invite econometricians to submit theoretical and applied econometrics papers for presentation at the Workshop. Papers and presentations are in English. For consideration for presentation, a draft manuscript must be submitted to with the subject of “The 6th IAER Econometrics Workshop Submission” by May 15, 2022. Decisions of acceptance will be announced by May 30, 2022.

Invited Speakers (in Alphabetical Order)

Zongwu CAI, University of Kansas

Matias CATTANEO, Princeton University

Jianqing FAN, Princeton University

Yongmiao HONG, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yu-Chin HSU, Academia Sinica

Hiro KASAHARA, University of British Columbia

Lung-Fei LEE, The Ohio State University

Jia LI, Singapore Management University

Hashem PESARAN, University of Southern California

Joris PINKSE, Penn State University

Shuping SHI, Macquarie University

Xiaoxia SHI, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kyungchul SONG, University of British Columbia

Zhijie XIAO, Boston College

Dacheng XIU, University of Chicago

Victoria ZINDE-WALSH, McGill University

More invited speakers to be announced on


All participants must register via by June 6, 2022 to be included into the final program. There will be no registration fee.
