
中国 · 杭州


2022-07-02 - 2022-07-03

截稿日期: 2022-05-20

Conference Introduction

    The AFR Summer Institute of Economics and Finance is a series of international conference officially approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education, focusing on discussing research frontiers in economics and finance. The 10th International Seminar on Finance will be held in July 2022 at Zhejiang University.

    Since 2012, The AFR Summer Institute of Economics and Finance has been held for nine consecutive years. Many renowned scholars participated in the AFR conference and gave keynote speeches, including Nobel Prize laureate Lars Hansen, Professor Harald Uhlig of the University of Chicago, Professor Larry Christiano of Northwestern University, Professor Vincenzo Quadrini of University of Southern California, Professor Yuliy Sannikov of Princeton University, Professor Jess Benhabib of New York University, Professor John Leahy of University of Michigan, Professor Gianluca Violante of Princeton University. The conference also invited internationally-renowned Chinese experts and scholars, including Professor Tao Zha of Emory University, Professor Jianjun Miao of Boston University, Professor Neng Wang of Columbia University, Professor Zhiguo He of University of Chicago, Professor Pengfei Wang of Peking University. The AFR will continue its effort of organizing this conference by inviting leading scholars to present their latest research. The AFR will also ensure that the conference maintains its high academic standard and serve its purpose of building an open and collaborative research platform.

Paper Submission to the Doctoral Student Session

    The conference will have a session for PhD students. Papers are invited from domestic and international PhD students in the following fields: 

    (1) Macro Finance, Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance, Financial Technology, Financial Econometrics and other related fields; 

    (2)  both English and Chinese papers are allowed, and we welcome both theoretical and empirical articles. Papers must be original, unpublished theoretical or empirical research.


    Conference date:July 2-3, 2022

    Conference Venue: online+in-person conference at Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University.

    According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, the Provincial Department of Education and the university on the prevention and control of the epidemic, this meeting is tentatively scheduled to be conducted in a combination of online and offline mode ( all meetings will be held online if the epidemic prevents in-person meeting).

    Each paper will have a 45-minute to present and discuss, and outstanding scholars in related fields will be invited to give comments.

Submission Deadline

    May 20, 2022.

Submission Email


Submission Requirements

    Please put "2022 International Symposium on Finance Paper - Author's Name - Unit" in the subject of the email, and change the name of the paper attachment to "Paper Title - Author's Name" (failure to do so will affect the evaluation of the paper).

    To facilitate anonymous review and contact, author information (name, school, mailing address, contact phone number, email address, etc.) should be listed independently on the first page of the call for papers.

Contact information

    Mrs. Lifang Tan, Academic of Financial Research, hztlf0531@163.com

    Professor Jieran Wu, Academic of Financial Research, jw5ya@zju.edu.cn

    Work phone: 0571-87953280, 0571-87953337


    浙江大学金融学国际研讨会(AFR Summer Institute of Economics and Finance)以“讨论金融学科领域前沿问题”为宗旨,是经教育部正式批准的浙江大学系列国际研讨会。2022年7月,将举办第十届金融学国际研讨会。

    自2012年至今,金融学国际研讨会已连续举办九届,邀请到诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Lars Hansen教授、芝加哥大学Harald Uhlig教授、美国西北大学Larry Christiano教授、南加州大学Vincenzo Quadrini教授、普林斯顿大学Yuliy Sannikov教授、纽约大学Jess Benhabib教授、密歇根大学 John Leahy教授、普林斯顿大学Gianluca Violante 教授等国际知名专家学者以及埃默里大学查涛教授、波士顿大学苗建军教授、哥伦比亚大学王能教授、芝加哥大学何志国教授、北京大学王鹏飞教授等华人知名学者来浙江大学金融研究院(简称AFR)作主题演讲。该会议已经在国内外形成很大反响和影响力,AFR将继续努力邀请更多国际知名经济金融专家学者参会,进一步树立金融学国际研讨会知名高端学术会议的品牌,积极打造“高水平、开放式”国际金融学术研究平台。



    (1)宏观金融、资产定价、公司金融 、金融科技、金融计量等相关领域;


















