The 4th International Conference on Accounting and Finance in Emerging Markets (ICAFEM)

China · Nanjing

Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

2021-10-22 - 2021-10-23

Paper submission deadline: 2021-09-25

Emergingdigital technology evolution have been developing rapidly recently, whichchange the traditional business operating greatly and also leading thetechnology updating the traditional industry new era. Under the Digital-techdeveloping environment, the traditional industry should take transitionevolution so as to get new development. Facing with Digital-tech developing, weshould understand the intelligence-tech how to change the business operation.During the digital-tech empowerment traditional industry era, how should theenterprise do so as to have the new chance?

 In order to better understanding development of Fin-techdevelopment of corporate financial frontier problem research in China, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics (NUFE) joint together with The Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association(APAEA),International Review of FinancialAnalysis (IRFA) and International Review of Economics and Finance (IREF) and EconomicModelling(EM)to hold high quality development idea of China's Fin-techdevelopment academic conference. 

The theme of the conference is emerging marketeconomies in the intelligent information technology change and development ofenterprise financial strategy.

We invite interested scholars, policy makers,and other parties from accounting, economics, finance, management and other related fields to submit abstract or complete papers related in the follow ingareas, but not limited to:

Digital Intelligent Information Technology;Information Technology Auditing;Accounting and finance in Capital Markets;Mobile Internet Network;Management Accounting under InformationTechnology;Financial Shared Services;Financial Wind Services;Wisdom Financial System;Financial Robot Application;Block chain Technology;Intelligent Financial Decision System;The Reform of Mixed Ownership in Emerging Markets;Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Markets;Organization Reform in Emerging Markets;Financial Markets and Micro-Structure of Stock Exchanges in Emerging Markets;Risk Management;Financial Stability;Asset Pricing and Portfolio Valuation;Green Finance and Climate Change;Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice;Innovation and Entrepreneurship Theory;Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching;Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets.


Nanjing University of Finance and Economics campus, NO.3 Wenyuan Road, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China


Alfred Deakin Professor Paresh Narayan  will conduct a special session on "How to publish in top journals in economics and business",targeted towards young scholars and graduate students. Questions will also be taken from the participants of the session.   


Professor Narayan Paresh Kumar

Professor Brian M. Lucey

Professor Sushanta Kumar Mallick 

Professor Xian Shi


The conference only accepts English written papers. Authors are invited to submit a full paper to bySeptember 25, 2021. Papers will be selected for presentation at the conference by the conference committee and will be notified by  September 30, 2021.The criteria for selecting papers for the program include the nature of the research topic, the economic implications of the research, and the academic quality of the research design. The number of papers that can be accommodated is limited, so please be sure to submit your paper early.


Selected papers willbe published as a symposium in a regular issue of the Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT), International Review ofFinancial Analysis (IRFA),InternationalReview of Economics and Finance (IREF),Economic Modeling (EM).

Please indicate at the time of submission ifyou would like your paper to be considered for publicationin a regular issue of EMFT, IRFA, IREF, EM. Acceptance to the conference does not imply acceptanceinto the EMFT,IRFA, IREF, EM issue which aims topublish valuable research contributions on the theme. Submissions to thejournal will undergo a fast-track review process that maintains the EMFT/IRFA/IREF/EM's normal publication standards. All accepted conference papers should discuss the papers each other.

The detailed information about the submission process and deadline will be provided at the conference and emailed to registered authors. 


Registration fee covers conference materials, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, seminar, and a gala dinner during the conference. If there is online conference, so there would be no registration fee.

Type Amount($)
Early bird fee (Before October 15,2021) 200
Standard fee 230
Students 180
Without paper submission 150

Alternative hotel accommodations at discounted faculty rates are available as follows:     

   [1]Baijing Hanjue Hotel (10 min driving from campus) is a five-star foreign-located conference hotel.  Phone: +86 025-6600 8888

   [2] Zhong Gong Hui Yue Hotel (10 driving from campus) is a four-star foreign-located conference hotel which locates next Nanjing University of finance and Economics. +86 02586986888

   [3] XianLin Hotel(5 min driving from campus) is a three-star foreign-located situated in the Nanjing Normal University campus. Its environment and facility is modern and comfortable.Phone: +86 02585845888


鉴于此,南京财经大学会计学院联合亚太应用经济学会、Emerging Markets Finance and Trade、International Review of Financial Analysis、International Review of Economics and Finance、Economic Modeling共同举办第四届新兴市场会计与财务国际学术研讨会



数智科技新兴技术;智能财务;移动互联网; 财务共享服务;财务云;智慧财务系统;财务机器人应用;区块链技术;基于移动互联的管理会计信息系统;智能财务决策系统;新兴市场混合所有制改革;新兴市场企业社会责任;新兴市场组织变革;新兴市场组织行为;公司治理;行为金融;银行与金融服务;金融监管;金融市场与股票市场微观结构;金融稳定;资产定价与证券组合估值;会计信息与盈余质量;绿色金融与气候变化;金融创新与金融科技;创新创业实践;创新创业理论;创新创业教学;新兴市场设计新思维




Narayan Paresh Kumar 教授

Brian M. Lucey 教授

Sushanta Kumar Mallick 教授

时现 教授

  • 主题沙龙

本次研讨会将特邀SSCI期刊Emerging Markets Financeand Trade杂志的管理主编,面向所有参会的青年教师和研究生举办“如何在高质量学术期刊发表论文”的主题沙龙。

  • 论文提交与截止日期


  • 发表机会

论文被本次研讨会接受并做演讲的,将有机会发表在 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT, SSCI)、International Review of Financial Analysis(IRFA, SSCI)、International Review of Economics and Finance(IREF,SSCI)、Economic Modeling(EM,SSCI)正常刊期上。

经过作者同意,向本次会议投稿的文章视同向Emerging Markets Finance and Trade、InternationalReview of Financial Analysis、International Review of Economics and Finance、Economic Modeling投稿。如果作者拟将文章发表在上述杂志上,请注意提交论文的时间。论文被本次会议接受,并不意味着最终一定能够发表在该杂志上。所有被会议接受的文章,如果想发表在上述杂志上,仍然需要经历一轮快速评审的程序,以便达到该杂志的文章质量要求。被会议录用的文章,需要参与论文的交叉点评。






提前注册缴费(2021年10月15日之前) 1200
标准注册 1500
学生 1100
未提交论文参会者 1000

  • 会议住宿信息(适用于线下会议形式)

【1】白金汉爵大酒店(车程10分钟) 5星级酒店,设施环境优越,毗邻南京财经大学。酒店电话: +86 025-6600 8888

【2】中公汇悦酒店(车程10分钟)4星级酒店,毗邻南京大学、南京财经大学。预定网址:;预定电话 +86 02586986888

【3】仙林宾馆 (车程5分钟)位于南京师范大学校园内,毗邻南京财经大学. 设施一流,环境优美。酒店电话: +86 02585845888

  • 会议联系信息

有关会议联络的任何信息,请通过以下方式联系会务组,会务组将及时回复:E-mail:  联系电话:025-86718312
