中国 · 成都
2019-07-22 - 2019-07-24
Updated announcement of Inaugural Behavioral, Biological and Experimental Economics Conference, July 22-24, 2019 at SWUFE, Chengdu
Dates: July 22 – 24, 2019
Venue: Hong Yuan Building, Liuling Campus, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu
Theme: Decision theory, experiment, and application (https://sites.google.com/view/dteac-workshop/home) with research leveraging biology appearing more on the first day (Jul 22) while the last day (Jul 24) is oriented more towards talks focusing on decision theory. (Will also organize a panda day on July 25.)
Format: Twelve 30-minute talks daily with no parallel sessions
Registration: To facilitate planning, e.g., F&B, during the conference, participants are requested to register at https://www.wjx.top/jq/42443096.aspx Free registration + some free meals. :)
地点:成都市西南财经大学柳林校区 弘远楼
主题:决策理论,实验和应用(https://sites.google.com/view/dteac-workshop/home)会议第一天(7月22日)将重点讨论生物经济学相关议题,会议最后一天(7月24日)将侧重于决策理论的讨论。(会议之后,7月25日将组织 大熊猫+金沙遗址 的参观。)
关于会议的注册:为了方便会议食物 &饮料等的准备,参会嘉宾需要前往页面:https://www.wjx.top/jq/42443096.aspx 进行注册。本会议不涉及注册费,还将提供餐饮: )
International Conference on Behavioral, Biological and Experimental Economics (BBEE), 2019
Decision Theory, Experiment, and Application, China (DTEAC)
Advances in economic research has benefited from the emergence of behavioral economics and experimental economics over the past decades and the incorporation of biological considerations involving neuroscience and genomics more recently. The latter development has enabled researchers to peek into the "black box" of how the human brain makes decisions, and to address questions about how biological factors such as genes and hormones can lead to individual differences, making economic science more "hard-core". In this regard, the China Center for Behavioral Economics and Finance of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu will hold an inaugural Behavioral, Biological and Experimental Economics Conference with decision making as the common thread linking behavioral economists, experimental economists and economic researchers engaged in neuroscience and genetics. This conference also serves to provide precious opportunities for domestic and regional scholars to be exposed to this highly multidisciplinary cutting-edge research direction in economics.
Venue: Hong Yuan Building, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu
Dates: July 22 – 24, 2019
Theme: Decision theory, experiment, and application with research leveraging biology appearing more on Jul 22 (first day) while Jul 24 (last day) is oriented more towards talks focusing on decision theory.
Format: About ten 30-minute talks each day, no parallel sessions.
Organizers: Chew Soo Hong and Richard Ebstein
Sponsors: Office of Research and Technology, School of Economics, and the China Center for Behavioral Economics and Finance at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Registration: There is no registration fee. Participants are requested to register for F&B during the conference.
Should you be interested in being considered for presentation of your work, please send your paper (English version) to bbcc.china2019@gmail.com by May 31 for the first round of paper acceptance and by June 10 for the second and final round (acceptances are expected within 10 days of each deadline). We can provide transportation and accommodation support for presenters of selected papers.
> Top Attractions and maps in Chengdu
> Registration for non-presenting participants and Panda Tour on July 25
> Accommodation near SWUFE (Liulin Campus), Chengdu