中国 · 天津
2019-07-20 - 2019-07-21
截稿日期: 2019-03-15
The forthcoming China International Risk Forum (CIRF) is supposed to be held on July 20-21, 2019 at the School of Finance of Nankai University(SFNK) in Tianjin, China. The purpose of the forum is to promote research on risk, uncertainty, risk management, and related finance and risk topics in the Asia-Pacific region, Indian subcontinent and around the world. Like the previous conferences, the Pacific Basin Finance Journal dedicates a special issue to papers to be presented at the forum. The special issue has a theme of the risk-return tradeoff in China and Asian market. Potential research topics include but are not limited to:
● Risk and return tradeoff in China and Asian markets
● (De)Leverage, risk management, and financial safety of financial institutions
● Systemic risk: measurement and management
● Credit risk, interest risk, market risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk of banks and other financial institutions
● Behavioral perspectives of risk management
● Ambiguity and ambiguity aversion
● FinTech and risk management
● Big data and predictive modeling in risk management
● Corporate risk management, governance and control
● Pension risk, health risk and insurance underwriting and investment risk
● Catastrophic risk and its management
● Compliance to financial regulations
Conference Website
The deadline for submission of completed papers is March 15, 2019. Please submit your work, either in English (preferred) or Chinese, via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cirf2019. Please submit a pdf file without author information. There is no submission fee.
Papers presented at the conference could be considered for publication in the special issues of the Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (PBFJ). Journal submissions will be independent from submissions to the conference. The PBFJ editorial team will be working closely with the CIRF program co-chairs on the review process. Papers submitted to the conference can also be considered by the China Finance Review International (CFRI).
We look forward to seeing you at Nankai University in Tianjin!