15 th Australasian Development Economics Workshop

Australia · Perth

University of Western Australia

2019-06-06 - 2019-06-07

Paper submission deadline: 2019-03-31

The annual Australasian Development Economics Workshop (ADEW) sponsored by DFAT, brings together development economists from Australia and internationally. The next workshop is the fifteenth in the series and will be hosted by the Department of Economics, The University of Western Australia, Perth.

Call for Papers

The Organizing Committee of the 15 th ADEW invite submissions for the 2019 workshop. High quality academic papers on all aspects of development economics are welcome. We particularly encourage papers with policy insights relating to the Asia-Pacific region. All papers will be peer reviewed, and authors will be notified by mid-April.

All submissions should be sent by email in pdf format to christopher.parsons@uwa.edu.au or anu.rammohan@uwa.edu.au by 31st March 2019.

Further Information

The Workshop will be held at the UWA Business School. There will be no registration fees, but for catering purposes, participants need to register for the workshop. Financial assistance may be available to support a limited number of PhD students who are nearing completion. A program, 
