Chinese Economists Society 2018 China Annual Conference

China · Hefei, Anhui Province

2018-06-23 - 2018-06-24

Paper submission deadline: 2018-02-28

The Chinese Economists Society (CES) calls for paper submissions for its 2018 China Annual Conference, to be held at Hefei, Anhui Province June 23-24 (Saturday and Sunday), 2018. The local host for the conference is Hefei University of Technology. The theme of the conference is “Forty’s years of China’s Economic Reform and Opening Up: Retrospectives and Perspectives”. The conference will include invited keynote speakers, roundtable forums, and parallel sessions. Arrival and registration of participants will start in the afternoon of June 22. All speeches and sessions will occur on June 23 and 24.


CES invites both members and non-members to submit papers and/or to propose organized sessions at the 2018 China Annual Conference. All fields of specialization within Economics will be considered, but papers focusing on the Chinese economy will be given preference. The abstract submission deadline is February 28, 2018. Confirmed keynote speakers include:

·       Dr. Eric Maskin, 2007 Nobel Laureate; Adams University Professor, Harvard University; Professor of Economics and Mathematics, Harvard University; Fellow of Econometric Society; Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Member of National Academy of Sciences.

·       Dr. Michael Grossman, Director of Health Economics Program, US National Bureau of Economics Research (NBER); Professor of Economics, City University of New York; Member of National Academy of Medicine (formerly IOM).

·       Dr. Lei Lu, Deputy Administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the People's Republic of China; Former Director of the Financial Stability Bureau, the People's Bank of China; Former Director of the Research Bureau, the People's Bank of China.

·       Dr. David O. Meltzer, Director of the Center for Health and the Social Sciences, University of Chicago; Professor of Medicine, and affiliated faculty at Harris School of Public Policy and Department of Economics, University of Chicago; Member of National Academy of Medicine (formerly IOM).

·       Dr. Scott Rozelle, Co-director of the Rural Education Action Program, and affiliated faculty at the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, Stanford University; Helen F. Farnsworth Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University.

·       Dr. Yang Yao, Director of the China Center for Economic Research (CCER), National School of Development, Peking University; Dean and Professor, National School of Development, Peking University; Cheung Kong Scholar, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China; Member of the China Finance 40 Forum.

·       Dr. Jun Zhang, Director of the China Center for Economic Studies, Fudan University; Dean and Professor of Economics, Fudan University; Cheung Kong Scholar,Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.

·       Dr. Zhongxiang Zhang, Founding Dean and “Thousand Talents Plan” Distinguished University Professor, Ma Yinchu School of Economics, Tianjin University; Expert group leader of impact assessment for National Science and Technology Major Project, the People's Republic of China; Fellow of Asia and the Pacific Policy Society.


Persons interested in presenting a paper at the conference are asked to submit an abstract of no more than 400 words with a title, author name(s), JEL code(s), and keywords via the CES website at You will be notified by e-mail by March 20, 2018, as to whether your paper has been accepted for presentation.



If you would like to organize one or more sessions on a specific topic and have speakers/presenters lined up, please submit your proposal to Professor Zhuo (Adam) CHEN, CES President, for approval at by February 15, 2018. Each organized session should consist of 4 individual papers. Proposal should contain a tentative name of the session, titles of papers along with their abstracts, as well as names of session presenters and discussants with their e-mails. Please note that papers included in a session must still go through the regular paper submission process through the CES website to be included into the program. It is the organizer’s responsibility to ensure all papers are submitted properly. The submission deadline of individual papers in proposed organized sessions is also February 28, 2018.

Important Dates 

February 15, 2018

Organized session proposal submission deadline (submit proposals

February 28, 2018

Abstract submission deadline for both individual presenters and presenters of proposed organized sessions

March 20, 2018

Notification of decision


We will select an outstanding paper presented at the 2018 CES China Annual conference by a junior scholar for the Gregory Chow Best Paper Award. To be eligible for consideration for this prestigious award, the primary author of the paper must be a graduate student or a junior scholar who received his/her PhD within the last five years (no earlier than May 2013). The award winner will receive a certificate and a US $1,000 prize. Persons interested in being considered for the award must provide information confirming eligibility at the time of submission. Graduate students’ electronic submissions should be followed up by a letter on official university stationary from a professor certifying that the submitter is a graduate student in good standing. An electronic version of this letter should be emailed by the professor to Dr. Guodong (Gordon) GAO at by May 15, 2018.


The CES plans to select a group of high quality papers presented at the conference for special issues at journals such as China Economic Review. Papers submitted for consideration of the special issue still need to go through regular review process of the CER. Details about these publication opportunities will be provided later.



All presenters and conference attendees must register for the Conference. Registration should be made online through the conference page at under “Conferences”. You may wait to register until you find out whether your paper is accepted. Please note that registration fees are non-refundable. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER BY MAY 20 TO BE INCLUDED INTO THE FINAL PROGRAM.


You can join the CES and become a member here: Regular membership is $40 per year while student membership is $15 per year.

Registration Fee Schedule


                                        Before or on May 1st, 2018    

After May 1st, 2018

Regular CES member

US $200

US $250

Non-CES member

US $245

US $300

Student CES member

US $100

US $150

Student Non-CES member

US $120

US $200


Inquiries should be sent to:

·       for academic matters: Dr. Zhuo (Adam) CHEN at

·       for general inquiries: Dr. Zijun LUO at

·        for logistics: Dr. Huaqing WU at



Zhuo (Adam) Chen, PhD MS MMgt

Associate Professor 

Department of Health Policy and Management

College of Public Health 

University of Georgia

Tel: (706)-542-9146


Li Dak Sum Chair Professor in Health Economics  (0.2 FTE)

School of Economics

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Nottingham, Ningbo China

Tel: +86 (0)574  8818  0000  (Ext. 8565)



President (2017-2018), The Chinese Economists Society 

President (2016-2018), The China Health Policy and Management Society 
