2018 AREUEA International Conference

China · Guangzhou

Jinan University

2018-06-12 - 2018-06-14

Paper submission deadline: 2018-02-23

The American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) is pleased to announce the 2018 annual international conference will be held at the Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) at Jinan University in Guangzhou, China, June 12-15.

Theoretical and empirical contributions centered around research in real estate economics, real estate finance, urban economics, and other related areas are welcomed. All plenary and parallel sessions will take place on June 12-14, with an optional outing to visit some of the local sights on June 15.

Submission Guidelines:

Submissions of well-developed abstracts or preferably full papers in pdf format should be made through the AREUEA website (AREUEA members only) or by email directly to Jinan University at areuea_iesr@foxmail.com. Submission portals will be open from November 1, 2017 through the submission deadline of February 23, 2018, 11:59 pm Eastern Time Zone. 

The Women in Real Estate Network (WREN) would like to sponsor an academic session at the 2018 International Conference at Jinan University on the topic of gender in real estate or urban economics. Research related to this topic could include (but is not limited to) differential outcomes for women in mortgage borrowing or mortgage delinquency, gender differences in housing market participation such as bidding for property, gender differences in location choice, gender differences in homeownership, or differential effects of any housing or mortgage market government policies on women. 

Authors who would like their research to be considered for this session should indicate an interest in this session in a comment to the organizers when submitting their paper or contact Raven Molloy (raven.s.malloy@frb.gov), Amanda Ross (aross@cba.ua.edu), or Sisi Zhang (sisi.zhang@gmail.com).

key Dates:

November 1, 2017Submission portals open

February 23, 2018Deadline for paper or abstract submission (preference for full papers)

March 15, 2018Notification of acceptance
