中国 · 上海
2016-09-10 - 2016-09-11
截稿日期: 2016-06-01
ICCS Secretariat
National School of Development, Peking University
Beijing 100871, China
The third annual meeting of the International Consortium for China Studies (ICCS) will be held at Fudan University, Shanghai, China on September 10 and 11, 2016. This is an invitation to member institutions of ICCS to submit applications for presentation/ attendance.
The academic planning of the 2016 ICCS meeting is in the hands of a planning committee comprising John Knight (Oxford University, economics), Lina Song (Nottingham University, sociology), Kellee Tsai (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, politics), Miaojie Yu (Peking University, economics), Jun Zhang (Fudan University, economics) and Xiaobo Zhang (Peking University, economics). Submissions will be considered and academic decisions will be made by this committee.
The 2016 meeting will focus on topics relating to “Understanding China’s Slowing Growth: The Nexus of Political, Economic and Social Issues”. We want to ensure that the topics covered are important ones for China.
We have a preference that there should be important themes which could be of interest to more than one discipline. Accordingly, without wishing to discourage any paper which fits the general title, we could have a particular interest in papers which would fit (even loosely) into one, or more than one, of the following themes:
Technological enhancement and innovation
The sources of social instability
Industrial policies for excess capacity
Aging and Social protection
Urbanization and rural development
The financial system: challenges and solutions
Internationalization of RMB
Environmental issues
Economic growth: past and future
China and the world economy
Presenters are invited, where appropriate, to discuss the policy implications of their academic analyses. Each member institution of ICCS (we have more than two dozen members) is invited to nominate one or two representatives to present a paper.
We request that you provide the following information to help with our preparation:
1.For each paper: title, abstract (at least 200 words), presenter’s name, title and institution
2.A brief introduction to your institution (unless this year’s description does not need to be altered). We will compile the entries and distribute a hard copy of the descriptions of all institutional members of ICCS.
3.A link to your official website (unless provided this year). We have created a web page for ICCS (http://iccs.nsd.edu.cn/), which will contain links to all institutional members.
4.For each attendee from your institution: name, e-mail, short bio (unless provided this year), photo, arrival and departure dates.
The meeting will be held at school of economics at Fudan University. The host member institution (CCES) will provide up to 3 nights’ accommodation (9th-11th). Delegates are advised to arrive for the meeting on Wednesday 9th.
Application should be submitted to the ICCS secretariat, National School of Development (Jessy Dian Cheng, e-mail: iccs_secretariat@nsd.pku.edu.cn), and should ideally be submitted before 1 June 2016.