2016 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations

China · 北京


2016-10-21 - 2016-10-22

Paper submission deadline: 2016-07-30

Call for Papers

2016 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations

(ICAMA) in Beijing


Theme: Marketing Innovation in Asian Markets:

Challenges and Opportunities

Date: October 21-22, 2016

Venue: Peking University, Beijing, China

Paper Submission Deadline: July 30, 2016

Early Bird Registration Deadline: September 20, 2016


The International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations (ICAMA) is organized by three major Asian marketing academic associations from China, Japan, and Korea. The first ICAMA was held in Seoul, Korea in 2014 and the second ICAMA was held in Tokyo, Japan in 2015. The third ICAMA will be held in Beijing, China in 2016 with the conference theme of “Marketing Innovation in Asian Markets: Challenges and Opportunities”. Researchers who are interested in marketing issues in Asia are all welcome to present their work. Come to share yourideas, and to find new friends in Asia!

2016 ICAMA Hosting Association,

China Marketing Association of University (CMAU)

ICAMA Organizing Associations

China Marketing Association of University (CMAU)

Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution (JSMD) * ICAMA 2015 Hosting Association

Korea Marketing Association (KMA) * ICAMA 2014 Hosting Association

ICAMA 2016 Hosting Institution

Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing, China


Sponsoring Journals

Journal of Marketing Science (Editor: Prof. Guoqun Fu)

Asia Marketing Journal (Editor: Prof. Jaihak Chung)

Paper Submission Guidelines

1)  Working Language: English

All Papers or abstracts should be submitted and presented in English

2) Areas of interest (Research tracks)

ICAMA 2016 will bring together researchers who are interested in a wide range of marketingissues related to Asian markets.

Track I: Consumer Behavior

Track II: Marketing models

Track III: Marketing strategy

Track IV: Others

Track V: Doctoral Consortium

3) Paper type options

Full paper (up to 20 double-spaced pages with a one page single-spaced abstract), orabstract only (2-4 single-spaced pages, clearly stating your (1) Research Question, (2) Method & Data used (not applicable for non-empirical papers), (3) Summary of Findings, and (4) Key Contributions.).

4) Formatting basics

File Types: Microsoft Word or PDF

Format & Style for Papers:

Submitted papers - excluding references, exhibits, and appendices - must not exceed 20 double-spaced pages prepared in 12-point font and a standard one-inch margin. Papers that exceed this limit will be rejected.

To assure ablind review, authors must avoid revealing their identities in the body or reference section of the paper. Authors should do the following:

l  Do not include a front page with author-identifying information.

l  Remove author identifying information from the document’s file properties.

After acceptance notification, the contributors of accepted papers will be asked to submit papers including a front page with author-identifying information. Complete contact information for all authors including name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail will be required.

5) Submission procedures

All submissions should be made electronically. The online submission system has opened for authors.

Each paper can be submitted to only ONE track. Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process.

6)Submission Deadline

July 30, 2016

Conference Schedule *tentative

Day 1) October 20, 2016 (Thursday)

15:00−18:30 Registration

Day 2) October 21, 2016 (Friday)

08:30−9:00 Registration

09:00−12:00 Opening Ceremony+ Keynote Speech

12:00−13:30 Lunch

14:00−17:30 Track I: Consumer Behavior

Track II: Marketing models

Track III: Marketing strategy

Track IV: Others

Track V: Doctoral Consortium

18:00−20:00 Welcome dinner

Day 3) October 22, 2016 (Saturday)

09:00−12:00 Track I: Consumer Behavior

Track II: Marketing models

Track III: Marketing strategy

Track IV: Others

Track V: Doctoral Consortium

12:00−13:30 Lunch

14:00−15:50 Award Ceremony

Registration Information

1) Registration fees


Early Bird(TillSep 20)











2) Delegate registration fee includes

(1) Admission to the opening ceremony, academic sessions, the networking dinner of Day 2, (2) conference materials, and (3) lunch.

3) Payment

All conference registration fees should be paid in RMB or USD via the online system. The payment system will be informed in conference websites :http://www.icama2016.gsm.pku.edu.cn/

4) Cancellation

Sorry, the registration fee is not refundable.

5) Important notice

At least one author of each accepted paper must register and deliver a presentation in order forthe paper to appear in the final versions of the conference program and the proceedings.


The ICAMA Award Committee will select up to five papers to receive the best conference paperawards. Submitted papers will also be considered for honorable mentions and the best doctoralstudents’ paper awards. The committee will also bestow several distinguished service awards.Only papers submitted in the full paper format will be considered for awards.

Contact Information

For any questions about the conference, please contact us at icama2016@gsm.pku.edu.cn.

Please refer to our conference homepage for more information:

