2005 The China International Conference in Finance (CICF)

China · Kunming

2005-07-05 - 2005-07-07

Paper submission deadline: 2005-01-31


China Center for Financial Research (CCFR), Tsinghua University
Sloan School of Management, MIT

The 3rd China International Conference on Finance provides an open platform to bring together scholars worldwide to present research and to stimulate discussions on the new developments in finance. It will be held in the beautiful city of Kunming, the capital of the great Shangri-La area and one of the most historical and cultural cities in China.


Papers of all areas of finance are welcome. Those with direct implications on issues relevant to China's financial development are especially encouraged.

Best Paper Awards:

The conference sponsors three best paper awards of US$1,000 each.

Paper Submissions:

Authors are invited to submit completed papers.Papers will be selected by the program committee consisting of a panel of international scholars. The submitting authors will be informed of the decision by March 15, 2005.Please submit the paper in electronic format (PDF or MS Word) to:

Online submission: SUBMIT MY PAPER NOW 
or email to: cicf2005@ccfr.org.cn or ccfrcicf2005@vip.163.com together with the submission form

Paper submission deadline has already passed.

Conference Information:

Information regarding the conference is available at the conference website:http://www.ccfr.org.cn/cicf2005/

Conference Chair:

Wang, Jiang, NTU Professor of Finance, MIT; Director, CCFR, Tsinghua University

Email: wangj@mit.edu

Keynote Speech:

Martin J. Gruber

Program Chairs:

Charles Cao,Pennsylvania State University, Email: qxc2@psu.edu

Tan Wang,University of British Columbia, Email: tan.wang@commerce.ubc.ca

Conference Secretary General:

Li Liao,China Center for Financial Research, Tsinghua University

Email: liaol@em.tsinghua.edu.cn



    为促进中国金融改革与开放,积极推动中国的金融研究和应用及国际学术交流,清华大学中国金融研究中心和麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院将于2005年7月5日至7日在云南昆明举办2005中国金融国际年会(2005 China International Conference in Finance, CICF 2005)。本次会议将特意安排四个有关中国金融问题的专题,其中将中文作为工作语言(包括提交的论文)。此次会议将为国内外的金融学者提供一个高水平的开放交流平台,以促进相互之间的交流及讨论最新的研究成果。此次会议将在著名的历史文化名城和优秀旅游城市—昆明举行。












    Martin J. Gruber






